Baby Massage Teacher Training Courses and Classes

Baby Massage Online Classes for Mothers and Babies/fathers/partners and Online Baby Massage teacher training courses for all those Practitioners working with mothers and babies.

November newsletter

November News Letter

Emotional intelligence and pre/post natal education


Is our ability to understand, control, and express our emotions in a healthy and constructive way and to be able to recognise and respond appropriately to the emotions of others.

Research shows that intellectual intelligence or our IQ ( intelligence quotient) has less to do with success in life than emotional intelligence our EQ (emotional quotient). Our IQ helps us understand facts and figures and navigate the world, but we need emotional intelligence to communicate clearly, assist others, and build strong relationships in our personal lives.

Emotional intelligence is of major significance to attachment relationships and
as such plays a major role in attachment, childcare and family relationships.
Emotional intelligence is directly linked to self-esteem, self-awareness, compassion, empathy, and adaptability